Thursday, 28 February 2008

my photo

the heath goanna

A reptile up to one metre in length, is a predator of smaller reptiles, young birds and eggs. It is often seen on warm days basking or scavenging on dead animals on the roads.

Fortunately we didn't spot this charming fella doing this, this one was spotted whilst we were eating a lunch of quiche, crusty bread, and very tasty salads with our tour guide in a very nice retreat in the bush, on a scorcher of a day. I was pleased to capture this image as he was moving away very fast, funny to think he may have just been camera shy!


Celia Hart said...

Cripes mate!!! They are pretty big beasties aren't they. I remember meeting an enormous laced monitor goanna on a path near our beach chalet in Western Aus - streuth! he was a beaut' - as the locals would say! Apparently they climb trees if they think they're in danger and if you're standing still they think you're a tree :O


what a great trip you had!

Gina said...

Wow, he is impressive and quite well camouflaged in the leaf litter. Did you manage to see a blue tongue lizard on your travels? We have a breeding pair living in our garden. :O) Gina x